Ulead Animation.Applet creates Java-based banners, image transitions, marquees, rippling water, and more. Ulead Animation.Applet brews professional-quality Java animations without the need to know Java code. You can create rotating, spinning, and dancing applets that add immediate impact to your Web site. Animation.Applet has 11 unique 'sprite' effects that make scrolling banners, eye-catching image transitions, rippling water reflections, and more. Animation.Applet makes it easy to customize your Java creation. The size, shape, animation speed and loops, background, and border are all easy to adjust. Each applet, whether it's a scrolling banner or a dissolving image, can also have it's own unique sound effect and URL link. Ulead Animation.Applet works as a stand-alone Java creation tool, or it can be installed as a plug-in for Microsoft FrontPage.